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Dysphagia Diagnostic Report

As a part of my Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders course, I completed an assessment report detailing results from a clinical swallow evaluation and modified barium swallow study for a hypothetical patient. 

Pediatric Speech and Language Diagnostic Report

Following a full speech and language evaluation of a client, I composed a diagnostic report detailing client background, testing results, and recommendations. 

Adult Cognition and Language Diagnostic Report

Following a simulated diagnostic session completed via SimuCase, I composed a diagnostic report detailing client background information, assessment methods and results, and treatment recommendations.

Parkinson's Disease Handout

As a part of my Motor Speech Disorders course, three classmates and I researched Parkinson's Disease. Our research included its neurological basis, diagnosis, treatment, and impact on speech and swallowing. We developed an information handout as a reference for speech-language pathologists who work with this population. 

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